Aura from Another Planet Supernatural
8 192 27
Author:Kim Kyusam Type:Manga
Aura is a certified buff spell caster from Planet Leviathan that came to earth by a portal accident. She attends school on earth as a way of adapting, and never fails to find friends, old alien frenemies, and troubles with her buff spells.
1. Aura from Another Planet 1
Free2. Aura from Another Planet 2
Free3. Aura from Another Planet 3
Free4. Aura from Another Planet 4
Free5. Aura from Another Planet 5
Free6. Aura from Another Planet 6
Free7. Aura from Another Planet 7
Free8. Aura from Another Planet 8
Free9. Aura from Another Planet 9
Free10. Aura from Another Planet 10
Free11. Aura from Another Planet 11
Free12. Aura from Another Planet 12
Free13. Aura from Another Planet 13
Free14. Aura from Another Planet 14
Free15. Aura from Another Planet 15
Free16. Aura from Another Planet 16
Free17. Aura from Another Planet 17
Free18. Aura from Another Planet 18
Free19. Aura from Another Planet 19
Free20. Aura from Another Planet 20
Free21. Aura from Another Planet 21
Free22. Aura from Another Planet 22
Free23. Aura from Another Planet 23
Free24. Aura from Another Planet 24
Free25. Aura from Another Planet 25
Free26. Aura from Another Planet 26
Free27. Aura from Another Planet 27
Free28. Aura from Another Planet 28