In Serial
Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two Drama Romance Comedy School life Harem
8 190 44
Author:Kagami Yu,Mikage Type:Manga
The story revolves around the protagonist Hirono Hiro, a poor high school boy who draws shoujo manga for his living. One cold Christmas night after meeting a very strange woman in church, his bike gets stolen by another strange girl. He runs after her and finds her collapsed on t......
1. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 1
Free2. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 2
Free3. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 3
Free4. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 4
Free5. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 5
Free6. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 6
Free7. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 7
Free8. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 8
Free9. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 9
Free10. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 10
Free11. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 11
Free12. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 12
Free13. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 13
Free14. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 14
Free15. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 15
Free16. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 16
Free17. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 17
Free18. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 18
Free19. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 19
Free20. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 20
Free21. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 21
Free22. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 22
Free23. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 23
Free24. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 24
Free25. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 25
Free26. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 26
Free27. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 27
Free28. Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two 28
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