Chapter Selections
1. Chapter 1: i'm reincarnated, again
Free2. Chapter 2: registration and an unsuccess...
Free3. Chapter 3
Free4. Chapter 4
Free5. Chapter 5
Free6. Chapter 6: the ditch cleaning and the gr...
Free7. Chapter 7: the dwarf and the dull sword
Free8. Chapter 8: the dragon armoer and the bro...
Free9. Chapter 9: the brother's growth and the...
Free10. Chapter 10: the demon's world gate and t...
Free11. Chapter 11: the demon and the body stren...
Free12. Chapter 12: the disaster and the auction...
Free13. Chapter 13: b-rank promotion and a premo...
Free14. Chapter 14: a journey and everyone's pla...
Free15. Chapter 15: a new encounter and the newc...
Free16. Chapter 16: the newcomer's baptism and a...
Free17. Chapter 17: let's burn the forest and ex...
Free18. Chapter 18: the black wolf and rescuing...
Free19. Chapter 19: the great fireworks and the...
Coins20. Chapter 20: a past and the illness