In Serial
Hoshi no Koimonogatari Drama Romance Yaoi Smut Comedy Ecchi School life Shounen Ai Fantasy Harem Action Adventure Supernatural Martial Arts Doujinshi Mystery Shounen Historical Shoujo Tragedy Horror Josei Science fiction Adult Mature Psychological Mecha Sports Seinen Gender Bender Medical Yuri Shoujo Ai
5 214 39
Author:Ishii Yukari Type:Manga
Chapter Selections
1. Chapter: guide (tendou kirin)
Free2. Chapter: himitsu
Free3. Chapter: millennium loneliness
Free4. Chapter: my unexceptional yesterday
Free5. Chapter: like the stars, like the snow
Free6. Chapter: fish and my spica
Free7. Chapter: millennium loneliness
Free8. Chapter: himitsu
Free9. Chapter: my unexceptional yesterday
Free10. Chapter: fish and my spica
Free11. Chapter: like the stars, like the snow
Coins12. Chapter: guide (tendou kirin)