In Serial
Yosuke no Kimyou na Sekai Drama Romance Yaoi Smut Comedy Ecchi School life Shounen Ai Fantasy Harem Action Adventure Supernatural Martial Arts Doujinshi Mystery Shounen Historical Shoujo Tragedy Horror Josei Science fiction Adult Mature Psychological Mecha Sports Seinen Gender Bender Medical Yuri Shoujo Ai
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Author:Takahashi Yousuke Type:Manga
Chapter Selections
1. Vol.1 chapter 12
Free2. Vol.2 chapter 14 : ep. 5 - honey
Free3. Vol.3 chapter 15 : ep. 6 - good friends
Free4. Vol.3 chapter 16 : ep. 7 - the fool's p...
Free5. Vol.3 chapter 17 : ep. 8 - the ominous o...
Free6. Vol.3 chapter 18 : ep. 9 - massive noctu...
Free7. Vol.3 chapter 19 : ep. 10 - partial rabb...
Free8. Vol.3 chapter 20 : ep. 11 - partial rabb...
Free9. Vol.3 chapter 21 : ep. 12 - grudge of de...
Free10. Vol.3 chapter 22 : ep. 13 - busywork
Free11. Vol.3 chapter 23 : ep. 14 - way of salva...
Free12. Vol.4 chapter 24 : ep. 15 - harmony at t...
Free13. Vol.4 chapter 25 : ep. 16 - argentina ty...
Free14. Vol.4 chapter 26 : ep. 17 - pee from the...
Free15. Vol.4 chapter 27 : ep. 18 - nightfall is...
Free16. Vol.4 chapter 28 : ep. 19 - turning the...
Free17. Vol.4 chapter 29 : ep. 20 - awakened nei...
Free18. Vol.4 chapter 30 : ep. 21 - at dawn, you...
Free19. Vol.4 chapter 31 : ep. 22 - friend
Coins20. Vol.4 chapter 32 : ep. 23 - rain on top...