Shi Shen Zhi Lu School life Fantasy Action Shounen Science fiction
5 270 30
Author:Hui er Type:Manga
1. Chapter 00
Free2. Chapter 1: bullying to the extreme
Free3. Chapter 2: the noob's unique skill
Free4. Chapter 3: god level azure dragon
Free5. Chapter 4: shining dragon armor transfor...
Free6. Chapter 5: deadly game
Free7. Chapter 6: the hero rescues the damsel i...
Free8. Chapter 7: xingtian the savage
Free9. Chapter 8: collecting heads
Free10. Chapter 9: if you want to fight then let...
Free11. Chapter 10: bestowing power beyond the h...
Free12. Chapter 11: spare my life
Free13. Chapter 12: hidden killing motive
Free14. Chapter 13: wen rou xiang and the prey
Free15. Chapter 14: broken friendship
Free16. Chapter 15: tricked
Free17. Chapter 16
Free18. Chapter 17
Free19. Chapter 18
Free20. Chapter 18.5
Free21. Chapter 19
Free22. Chapter 20
Free23. Chapter 21
Free24. Chapter 22
Free25. Chapter 23
Free26. Chapter 24
Free27. Chapter 25
Free28. Chapter 26