In Serial
Houshin Engi Demons Fantasy Adventure Supernatural Shounen
5 441 33
Author:Fujisaki, Ryuu Type:Manga
1. Chapter 0: Vol.3 Interlude 1: Dokoson Goes Girl-Hunting Vol.3 interlude 1: dokoson goes girl-hun...
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 1: The Houshin List The houshin list
Free3. Vol.1 Chapter 2: The First Houshin The first houshin
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 3: Dakki-chan Makes a Houraku Dakki-chan makes a houraku
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 4: The Stone Lute Demon The stone lute demon
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 5: Isolate Force of the Imperial Court Isolate force of the imperial court
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 6: Skill at Temptation Skill at temptation
Free8. Vol.1 Chapter 7: Dakki-chan Makes a Taibon Dakki-chan makes a taibon
Free9. Vol.2 Chapter 8: Epilouge of the Prolouge Epilouge of the prolouge
Free10. Vol.2 Chapter 9: Enter the Human Paopei, Nataku Enter the human paopei, nataku
Free11. Vol.2 Chapter 10: Nataku, The Birth Secret Nataku, the birth secret
Free12. Vol.2 Chapter 11: Taibokou Vs Nataku, Decisive Arial Battle Taibokou vs nataku, decisive arial battl...
Free13. Vol.2 Chapter 12: Nataku, Conclusion Nataku, conclusion
Free14. Vol.2 Chapter 13: Diciple of Gyukutei Shinjin of the Gyokusen Mountain, Youzen Appear... Diciple of gyukutei shinjin of the gyoku...
Free15. Vol.2 Chapter 14: Youzen's Test Youzen's test
Free16. Vol.2 Chapter 15: Test, Completion Test, completion
Free17. Vol.2 Chapter 16: Dakki-chan Holds the Shuchi Nikurin Dakki-chan holds the shuchi nikurin
Free18. Vol.3 Chapter 17: Brothers of the Sky Brothers of the sky
Free19. Vol.3 Chapter 18: Taikoubou, Gaining an Afro Taikoubou, gaining an afro
Free20. Vol.3 Chapter 19: Taikoubou's Doping Taikoubou's doping
Free21. Vol.3 Chapter 20: A Pair of Princes A pair of princes
Free22. Vol.3 Chapter 21: A Pair of Princes II A pair of princes ii
Free23. Vol.3 Chapter 22: A Pair of Princes III A pair of princes iii
Free24. Vol.3 Chapter 23: The Dialectic of the Future - Part 001 The dialectic of the future - part 001
Free25. Vol.3 Chapter 24: The Dialectic of the Future - Part 002 The dialectic of the future - part 002
Free26. Vol.3 Chapter 24.5: Dokouson Goes Skirt Chasing (Side Story) Dokouson goes skirt chasing (side story)
Free27. Vol.4 Chapter 25: Dakki and Kibi's 3-Minute Cooking Dakki and kibi's 3-minute cooking
Free28. Vol.4 Chapter 26: Bunchuu Vs Dakki's Composition Bunchuu vs dakki's composition
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