In Serial
Shura no Toki Action Martial Arts Shounen Historical
5 162 48
Author:Kawahara Masatoshi Type:Manga
Chapter Selections
1. Vol.1 chapter 1.1
Free2. Vol.1 chapter 1.2
Free3. Vol.1 chapter 1.3
Free4. Vol.1 chapter 1.4
Free5. Vol.1 chapter 2.2
Free6. Vol.7 chapter 1
Free7. Vol.8 chapter 1
Free8. Vol.4 chapter 1
Free9. Vol.1 chapter 2b: yakumo mutsu: winding...
Free10. Vol.1 chapter 2a: yakumo mutsu: winding...
Free11. Vol.4 chapter 1: azuma mutsu: story of t...
Free12. Vol.4 chapter 2
Free13. Vol.4 chapter 3
Free14. Vol.7 chapter 1: kiichi mutsu: the light...
Free15. Vol.7 chapter 2: kiichi mutsu: to oshu
Free16. Vol.8 chapter 1: kiichi mutsu: onto the...
Free17. Vol.8 chapter 2: kiichi mutsu: first bat...
Free18. Vol.8 chapter 3: kiichi mutsu: what yosh...
Free19. Vol.9 chapter 1: kiichi mutsu: miracle
Free20. Vol.9 chapter 2: kiichi mutsu: in the na...
Free21. Vol.9 chapter 3: battle of dan no ura
Free22. Vol.11 chapter 1a: tatsumi mutsu: storm...
Free23. Vol.11 chapter 1b: tatsumi mutsu: storm...
Free24. Vol.11 chapter 2: tatsumi mutsu: magoic...
Coins25. Vol.12 chapter 1: dark cloud
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