1. Chapter 0: Vol.1 STORY. 3: Even Though You're Mine Vol.1 story. 3: even though you're mine
Free2. Chapter 0: Vol.2 STORY. 4: Is That Realy What Ayase-san is Like Vol.2 story. 4: is that realy what ayas...
Free3. Chapter 0: Vol.1 STORY. 2: So Pleased to Make Your Acquaitance Vol.1 story. 2: so pleased to make your...
Free4. Chapter 0: Vol.1 STORY. 1: Someone Who Lives in a Different World Vol.1 story. 1: someone who lives in a...
Free5. Chapter 0: Vol.2 STORY. 5: Obviously Vol.2 story. 5: obviously
Free6. Chapter 0: Vol.3 STORY. 9: She's Really Cute Vol.3 story. 9: she's really cute
Free7. Chapter 0: Vol.3 STORY. 8: I Call Dibs Vol.3 story. 8: i call dibs
Free8. Chapter 0: Vol.3 STORY. 10: If You Want It So Badly, Then Do It with Me Vol.3 story. 10: if you want it so badl...
Free9. Chapter 0: Vol.2 STORY. 6: Making It Work Vol.2 story. 6: making it work
Free10. Chapter 0: Vol.2 STORY. 7: Pay Attention to Me, Too Vol.2 story. 7: pay attention to me, to...
Free11. Vol.3 simultaneous compilation "love's...
Free12. Chapter 0: Vol.4 STORY. 11: I Was Just Really Excited Vol.4 story. 11: i was just really exci...
Free13. Chapter 0: Vol.4 STORY. 12: I'm Sorry. I Lied. Vol.4 story. 12: i'm sorry. i lied.
Free14. Chapter 0: Vol.4 STORY. 13: You're All I Think About Vol.4 story. 13: you're all i think abo...
Free15. Chapter 0: Vol.4 STORY. 14: He's Your Prince, Isn't He? Vol.4 story. 14: he's your prince, isn'...
Free16. Chapter 0: Vol.5 STORY. 16: I Never Thought of Us as Family Vol.5 story. 16: i never thought of us...
Free17. Chapter 0: Vol.5 STORY. 15: She Never Stopped Loving Him Vol.5 story. 15: she never stopped lovi...
Free18. Chapter 0: Vol.5 STORY. 17: I'm Not Being Fair Vol.5 story. 17: i'm not being fair
Free19. Chapter 0: Vol.5 STORY. 18: What Should I Eat First? Vol.5 story. 18: what should i eat firs...
Free20. Chapter 0: Vol.6 STORY. 19: I Won't Let Anyone Else Have You Vol.6 story. 19: i won't let anyone els...
Free21. Chapter 0: Vol.6 STORY. 20: I Can Keep Going Vol.6 story. 20: i can keep going
Free22. Chapter 0: Vol.6 STORY. 21: Leave Her Out of This Vol.6 story. 21: leave her out of this
Free23. Chapter 0: Vol.6 STORY. 22: I Do Hate Him Vol.6 story. 22: i do hate him
Free24. Chapter 0: Vol.7 STORY. 23: I Still Adore You Vol.7 story. 23: i still adore you
Free25. Chapter 0: Vol.7 STORY. 24: I'm So Immature Vol.7 story. 24: i'm so immature
Free26. Chapter 0: Vol.8 STORY. 27: Oh, You Noticed Vol.8 story. 27: oh, you noticed
Free27. Chapter 0: Vol.7 STORY. 26: I Won't Use My Hands Vol.7 story. 26: i won't use my hands
Free28. Chapter 0: Vol.7 STORY. 25: It's In Both Our Best Interests Vol.7 story. 25: it's in both our best i...