Variante Drama Action Supernatural Mystery Shounen Horror Science fiction
5 136 100
Author:Sugimoto, Iqura Type:Manga
Chapter Selections
1. Vol.1 chapter 1 : before dawn
Free2. Vol.1 chapter 2 : i can't play the pian...
Free3. Vol.1 chapter 3 : the raindrop prelude
Free4. Vol.1 chapter 4 : dead or alive
Free5. Vol.2 chapter 5 : survival
Free6. Vol.2 chapter 6 : excessive adaptation s...
Free7. Vol.2 chapter 7 : tears
Free8. Vol.2 chapter 8 : wound
Free9. Vol.2 chapter 9 : black wings
Free10. Vol.2 chapter 10 : crime and punishment
Free11. Vol.3 chapter 11 : chimaira
Free12. Vol.3 chapter 12 : the end of despair
Free13. Vol.3 chapter 13 : reminiscence nocturne
Free14. Vol.3 chapter 14 : dream of a mayfly
Free15. Vol.4 chapter 15 : depths
Free16. Vol.4 chapter 16 : destiny's ensemble
Free17. Vol.4 chapter 17 : loathing
Free18. Vol.4 chapter 18 : light
Coins19. Vol.4 chapter 19 : requiem for the world