1. Chapter 1: Vol.1 RAVE:1 Opened Map Vol.1 rave:1 opened map
Free2. Chapter 2: Vol.1 RAVE:2 Guiding Bell Vol.1 rave:2 guiding bell
Free3. Chapter 3: Vol.1 RAVE:3 Red Signal Vol.1 rave:3 red signal
Free4. Chapter 4: Vol.1 RAVE:4 Stairway to the Unknown Vol.1 rave:4 stairway to the unknown
Free5. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Bonus Comic: RAVE0077 Vol.1 bonus comic: rave0077
Free6. Chapter 5: Vol.2 RAVE:5 Travel Trouble?! Vol.2 rave:5 travel trouble?!
Free7. Chapter 6: Vol.2 RAVE:6 Dead or Alive Vol.2 rave:6 dead or alive
Free8. Chapter 7: Vol.2 RAVE:7 Revenge as a Trio! Vol.2 rave:7 revenge as a trio!
Free9. Chapter 8: Vol.2 RAVE:8 The Magic of a Smile Vol.2 rave:8 the magic of a smile
Free10. Chapter 9: Vol.2 RAVE:9 The Legendary Blacksmith Vol.2 rave:9 the legendary blacksmith
Free11. Chapter 10: Vol.2 RAVE:10 The Wandering Fallen Angel Vol.2 rave:10 the wandering fallen angel
Free12. Chapter 11: Vol.2 RAVE:11 From the Broken Door Vol.2 rave:11 from the broken door
Free13. Chapter 12: Vol.2 RAVE:12 The Inheritance Vol.2 rave:12 the inheritance
Free14. Chapter 13: Vol.2 RAVE:13 The Bridge of Promises Vol.2 rave:13 the bridge of promises
Free15. Chapter 14: Vol.3 RAVE:14 Approaching Darkness Vol.3 rave:14 approaching darkness
Free16. Chapter 15: Vol.3 RAVE:15 Shot to the Heart Vol.3 rave:15 shot to the heart
Free17. Chapter 16: Vol.3 RAVE:16 Feel the Burn Vol.3 rave:16 feel the burn
Free18. Chapter 17: Vol.3 RAVE:17 Sweet Dream & Bitter Kisses Vol.3 rave:17 sweet dream & bitter kisse...
Free19. Chapter 18: Vol.3 RAVE:18 Good Morning Sunshine Vol.3 rave:18 good morning sunshine
Free20. Chapter 19: Vol.3 RAVE:19 Out of the Plue Vol.3 rave:19 out of the plue
Free21. Chapter 20: Vol.3 RAVE:20 The Coldest Rain Vol.3 rave:20 the coldest rain
Free22. Chapter 21: Vol.3 RAVE:21 Gray Clouds Over My Heart Vol.3 rave:21 gray clouds over my heart
Free23. Chapter 0: Vol.3 Extra Comic: RAVE0077 Vol.3 extra comic: rave0077
Free24. Chapter 22: Vol.4 RAVE:22 Haru Gets Down! Vol.4 rave:22 haru gets down!
Free25. Chapter 23: Vol.4 RAVE:23 Boppin' with Elie! Vol.4 rave:23 boppin' with elie!
Free26. Chapter 24: Vol.4 RAVE:24 Last Scene Vol.4 rave:24 last scene
Free27. Chapter 25: Vol.4 RAVE:25 Gentle Sunlight Vol.4 rave:25 gentle sunlight
Free28. Chapter 26: Vol.4 RAVE:26 Viva la Labyrinth! Vol.4 rave:26 viva la labyrinth!