1. Chapter 1: night procession of a hundred...
Free2. Chapter 2: the general of fire
Free3. Chapter 2.5: 3 - preview
Free4. Chapter 2.6: side story part 1
Free5. Chapter 2.7: side story part 2
Free6. Chapter 2.8: side story part 3
Free7. Chapter 3: hell roads
Free8. Chapter 4: chains of the heart
Free9. Chapter 5: pear blossoms in the storm
Free10. Chapter 6: intruder
Free11. Chapter 7: the last stand
Free12. Chapter 8: gourd of purification
Free13. Chapter 9
Free14. Chapter 10: turbulent times
Free15. Chapter 11: tathata of the four directio...
Free16. Chapter 12
Free17. Chapter 13: body of martial god
Free18. Chapter 14: i rule above all
Free19. Chapter 15: besieged from all sides
Free20. Chapter 16: fallen angel
Free21. Chapter 17: let the journey begin
Free22. Chapter 18: bochi's world
Free23. Chapter 19.1: unexpected guest
Free24. Chapter 19.2: unexpected guest 2
Free25. Chapter 20: corruption
Free26. Chapter 21
Free27. Chapter 22: faceless flame emperor
Free28. Chapter 23