Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex Action Military Science fiction Police Mecha Seinen
5 309 20
Author:Kinutani, Yuu Type:Manga
1. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #001: Emergency Meeting Vol.1 #001: emergency meeting
Free2. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #002: Surrounded Vol.1 #002: surrounded
Free3. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #008: Blind Spot Vol.1 #008: blind spot
Free4. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #007: Searching for Evidence Vol.1 #007: searching for evidence
Free5. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #003: Move In Vol.1 #003: move in
Free6. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #006: Loose Cannon Vol.1 #006: loose cannon
Free7. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #004: Launching Attack Vol.1 #004: launching attack
Free8. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #005: Search Initiated Vol.1 #005: search initiated
Free9. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #011: The Truth Vol.1 #011: the truth
Free10. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #009: Classified Vol.1 #009: classified
Free11. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Bonus Section Vol.1 bonus section
Free12. Chapter 0: Vol.1 #010: Impostor Vol.1 #010: impostor
Free13. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #013: Disclosure Vol.2 #013: disclosure
Free14. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #016: Battle in the City Vol.2 #016: battle in the city
Free15. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Translation Notes Vol.1 translation notes
Free16. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #015: Last Request Vol.2 #015: last request
Free17. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #014: Snipe Opportunity Vol.2 #014: snipe opportunity
Free18. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #012: Runaway Tank Vol.2 #012: runaway tank
Free19. Chapter 0: Vol.3 #020: Secret Meeting Vol.3 #020: secret meeting
Free20. Chapter 0: Vol.3 #021: Rival Showdown Vol.3 #021: rival showdown
Free21. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #018: Last Feeling Vol.2 #018: last feeling
Free22. Chapter 0: Vol.3 #019: Secret Visit Vol.3 #019: secret visit
Free23. Chapter 0: Vol.3 #024: Idolatry Vol.3 #024: idolatry
Free24. Chapter 0: Vol.3 #022: Strange Circumstances Vol.3 #022: strange circumstances
Free25. Chapter 0: Vol.2 #017: Cyberbrain Attack Vol.2 #017: cyberbrain attack
Free26. Chapter 0: Vol.3 #023: The Hero's Secret Vol.3 #023: the hero's secret
Free27. Chapter 0: Vol.4 #025: Hideout Assault Vol.4 #025: hideout assault
Free28. Chapter 0: Vol.4 #026: True Aim Vol.4 #026: true aim