In Serial
Buster Dress Drama Action Mecha
8 188 30
Author:SADAMATSU Ryuuichi Type:Manga
At the end of the 22nd century, the human race has created a new colony called Second Earth. After a mysterious terrorist attack, a unit made up of Buster Dress, an incredibly intelligent A.I. mech, have been deployed to investigate. Haruto Aoi, along with his BDD-223 Gunhawk emb......
Chapter Selections
1. Buster Dress 1
Free2. Buster Dress 2
Free3. Buster Dress 3
Free4. Buster Dress 4
Free5. Buster Dress 5
Free6. Buster Dress 6
Free7. Buster Dress 7
Free8. Buster Dress 8
Free8. Buster Dress 7.1
Free9. Buster Dress 9
Free9. Buster Dress 7.2
Free10. Buster Dress 9.2
Free11. Buster Dress 10
Free12. Buster Dress 12
Free15. Buster Dress 13
Coins16. Buster Dress 14
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