User privacy policy terms

Privacy Policy

Our purpose of making this Privacy Policy is helping users clearly and fully understand the related information on types of data collected by the services provided by the website "driving comics" (hereinafter referred to as "services") and the purpose or use of data collection. This is the reason our company formulating this Privacy Policy to ensure the rights and interests of users be protected.

Items and methods of personal data collection

Items of Personal Data Collection

Our company will collect the following personal data minimally during users’ registration for membership in order to provide high-level and diverse services for registered members.

During registering

Minimum necessary information like account, nickname, e-mail, encrypted password, etc.

During service using

Registration path, registration date, IP, Cookie, entry date, service usage record, bad usage record, device information, etc.

Methods of Personal Data Collection

Users’ personal data will be collected by us in the following ways:

- Homepage, telephone, message board information, e-mail, participation in activities

- Collected by generating data collection tools

Purpose of collection and use of personal data

The purposes of our collection of personal data are providing services as following: services improving, services developing, illegal users tracking down, protection of our service users and other legitimate purposes as well as providing more relevant and higher-level advertisements and services for our users.

Sharing and provision of personal data

We will use the user's personal data within the scope specified in Purpose of collection and use of personal data above. We will never make it be used for purposes beyond the specification (Purpose of collection and use of personal data) or disclose the user's personal data to third parties without user's consent.

Outsourced processing of personal data

In order to improve the service, our company conducts the business of entrusting personal information with the following companies and stipulates the necessary matters so that the relevant laws and regulations can safely manage the personal information of the user in the entrusted contract.

Retention and use period of personal data

In principle, the user's personal data will be erased directly after the purpose of collecting and using the personal data. However, for operational purposes, some data may be retained for up to 5 years.

The reason for providing data retention in accordance with the company's internal policy

- Bad use records (illegal registration, disciplinary records and other records of abnormal use of services)

- Saved items: E-mail, registered mobile phone number

Reason for preservation: to prevent illegal registration and use

Shelf life: 1 year

※Bad use records refer to records that are restricted by the company due to illegal registration and violation of operating principles.

Technical/Administrative Protection of Personal Data

In order to prevent problems such as loss, theft, leakage, alteration or damage when processing users' personal information, the company will take the following technical and management measures to ensure the safety of users' personal information.

Password Encryption

The password of the member's e-mail (account) will be encrypted, stored and managed, and only yourself will know. Only yourself can confirm and amend personal data.

Hacking Policy

Our company will make every effort to prevent the leakage or damage of members' personal data caused by hacking or computer virus.In order to prevent the damage of personal data, we will carry out data generation at any time, and transmit it securely on the network through encryption.In addition, we use a firewall system to control the access of unauthorized external terminal users, and try to use all possible technologies and equipment to strive to construct a safe storage and transmission space.

Delete your data from "driving comics"

If you want to delete all personal data saved on this website, please log in to your account and select My - Change Password - Are you sure you want to deactivate your account? -Fill in the reason-Sign out to deactivate your account and delete all data.

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