Sailor Moon Drama Romance Comedy School life Fantasy Action Supernatural
8 185 32
Author:Takeuchi Naoko Type:Manga
Usagi Tsukino is a normal girl until she meets up with Luna a talking cat who tells her that she is Sailor Moon. As Sailor Moon Usagi must fight evils and enforce justice in the name of the Moon and the mysterious Moon Princess. She meets other girls destined to be Sailor Senshi ......
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Free11. Sailor Moon 1
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Free13. Sailor Moon 1
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Free15. Sailor Moon 1
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Free17. Sailor Moon 1
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Free19. Sailor Moon 1
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Free21. Sailor Moon 1
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Free23. Sailor Moon 1
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Free26. Sailor Moon 1
Free27. Sailor Moon 2
Free28. Sailor Moon 1
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