1. Chapter 1: the end of the tunnel
Free2. Chapter 2: my life now
Free3. Chapter 3: (not) a doting mother
Free4. Chapter 4: almost there
Free5. Chapter 5: the mana core
Free6. Chapter 6: let the journey begin!
Free7. Chapter 7: the sparring match
Free8. Chapter 8: ambush
Free9. Chapter 9: teamwork
Free10. Chapter 10: a promise
Free11. Chapter 11: moving on
Free12. Chapter 12
Free13. Chapter 13
Free14. Chapter 14
Free15. Chapter 15
Free16. Chapter 16
Free17. Chapter 17
Free18. Chapter 18
Free19. Chapter 19
Free20. Chapter 20
Free21. Chapter 21
Free22. Chapter 22
Free23. Chapter 23
Free24. Chapter 24
Free25. Chapter 25
Free26. Chapter 26
Free27. Chapter 27
Free28. Chapter 28