Meng Shi Zai Shang Romance Comedy Fantasy Action Martial Arts
5 167 47
Author:Big Demon King Man Hua Type:Manga
1. Chapter 1
Free2. Chapter 2
Free3. Chapter 3: tragic childhood past of male...
Free4. Chapter 4: tragic childhood past of male...
Free5. Chapter 5: the pleasant feeling of accep...
Free6. Chapter 6: the pleasant feeling of accep...
Free7. Chapter 7: master-disciple two way commu...
Free8. Chapter 8: master-disciple two way commu...
Free9. Chapter 9: entering the sect, repairing...
Free10. Chapter 10: enter the sect, repairing th...
Free11. Chapter 11: ten thousand year spiritual...
Free12. Chapter 12: the grand selection competit...
Free13. Chapter 13: battle against du sha (part...
Free14. Chapter 14: battle against du sha (part...
Free15. Chapter 15: a new opponent
Free16. Chapter 16: casualties from both sides
Free17. Chapter 17: the determination and desire...
Free18. Chapter 18: the determination and desire...
Free19. Chapter 19: seal
Free20. Chapter 20: re-entering the competition
Free21. Chapter 20.1: omake – little qiu during...
Free22. Chapter 20.2: omake – moqi ting feng dur...
Free23. Chapter 20.3: omake – wei sheng ji durin...
Free24. Chapter 20.4: omake – ye chen yuan durin...
Free25. Chapter 20.5: author's note
Free26. Chapter 21
Free27. Chapter 22: a fight to decide the top
Free28. Chapter 22.1: omake – the days after co-...