1. Vol.1 Chapter 1
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2 : game 2: dangling pawn
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Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4 : game 4: imperial wrath
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5 : game 5: how much resolve
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 6 : game 6: kayane manor
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 7 : game 7: opponent
Free8. Vol.2 Chapter 8 : game 8: strategy guide
Free9. Vol.2 Chapter 9 : game 9: two pawns
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Free11. Vol.2 chapter 11 : game 11: outcome
Free12. Vol.2 chapter 12 : game 12: broken rook
Free13. Vol.2 chapter 13 : game 13: i can't hea...
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Free15. Vol.2 Chapter 15
Free16. Vol.2 Chapter 16
Free17. Vol.2 chapter 17
Free18. Vol.3 chapter 18 : the lead
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Free20. Vol.3 Chapter 20 : a drama in only three moves
Free21. Vol.3 Chapter 20.1 : extra stories: seasonal c...
Free22. Vol.3 Chapter 20.2 : extra stories: an encount...
Free23. Vol.3 Chapter 21
Free24. Vol.3 chapter 22: strike zone
Free25. Vol.3 Chapter 23: misaki’s shogi
Free26. Vol.3 chapter 24: a beautiful kifu
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