1. Vol.1 chapter 1: the summoned family
Free2. Vol.1 chapter 2: fair trade
Free3. Vol.1 chapter 3: the darkness in the lig...
Free4. Vol.1 chapter 4: the antagonist
Free5. Vol.2 chapter 5: lightning meteorite
Free6. Vol.2 chapter 6: meaningless lies
Free7. Vol.2 chapter 7: father and son
Free8. Vol.2 chapter 8: power of life and death
Free9. Vol.2 chapter 9: to dig your own grave
Free10. Vol.3 chapter 10: primitive barbarians
Free11. Vol.3 chapter 11: commitment
Free12. Vol.3 chapter 12: lies and truths
Free13. Vol.3 chapter 13: adulation
Free14. Vol.3 chapter 14: pretenders
Free15. Vol.3 chapter 15: imperial wrath
Free16. Vol.3 chapter 16: prepare for the unfors...
Free17. Vol.3 chapter 17: birth of a new king
Free18. Vol.3 chapter 18: change of generations
Free19. Vol.3 chapter 19: twisting the truth
Free20. Vol.3 chapter 20: shadow family
Free21. Vol.3 chapter 21: entrance exam
Free22. Vol.3 chapter 22
Free23. Vol.4 chapter 23
Free24. Vol.5 chapter 24
Free25. Chapter 025
Free26. Chapter 026
Free27. Vol.5 chapter 27
Free28. Chapter 28