1. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.1: THE REUNION Vol.1 stage.1: the reunion
Free2. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.3: ON THE TENNIS COURT Vol.1 stage.3: on the tennis court
Free3. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.2: THE REASON FOR THE BREAKUP Vol.1 stage.2: the reason for the break...
Free4. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.4: THE RELATIONSHIP Vol.1 stage.4: the relationship
Free5. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.5: MEDICINE MAN Vol.1 stage.5: medicine man
Free6. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.7: A BUSY SEMESTER Vol.1 stage.7: a busy semester
Free7. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.6: FUYUMI'S APARTMENT Vol.1 stage.6: fuyumi's apartment
Free8. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.8: AN EXPERIENCED FELLOW Vol.1 stage.8: an experienced fellow
Free9. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.12: FELLOW PASSENGER Vol.1 stage.12: fellow passenger
Free10. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.11: AFTER THE FIGHT Vol.1 stage.11: after the fight
Free11. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.10: THE RENDEZVOUS Vol.1 stage.10: the rendezvous
Free12. Chapter 0: Vol.1 Stage.9: AN UNFORESEEN LOVE Vol.1 stage.9: an unforeseen love
Free13. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.13: ATSUSHI'S CONFESSION Vol.2 stage.13: atsushi's confession
Free14. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.17: LOVE TRIANGLE Vol.2 stage.17: love triangle
Free15. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.15: AMID THE SILENCE Vol.2 stage.15: amid the silence
Free16. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.16: IF IT'S WITH KAN Vol.2 stage.16: if it's with kan
Free17. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.14: THE FIRST LIE Vol.2 stage.14: the first lie
Free18. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.18: FUYUMI'S CECISION Vol.2 stage.18: fuyumi's cecision
Free19. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.22: HOW IT GOES Vol.2 stage.22: how it goes
Free20. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.19: A TABLE FOR THREE Vol.2 stage.19: a table for three
Free21. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.21: THE VISITOR Vol.2 stage.21: the visitor
Free22. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.20: UNDER THE SAME ROOF Vol.2 stage.20: under the same roof
Free23. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.23: A FUN DATE Vol.2 stage.23: a fun date
Free24. Chapter 0: Vol.3 Stage.27: THE END OF A LONG DAY Vol.3 stage.27: the end of a long day
Free25. Chapter 0: Vol.2 Stage.24: WORKING TOGETHER Vol.2 stage.24: working together
Free26. Chapter 0: Vol.3 Stage.25: EXPECTATIONS AND ANXIETIES Vol.3 stage.25: expectations and anxiet...
Free27. Chapter 0: Vol.3 Stage.26: THE PINCH HITTER Vol.3 stage.26: the pinch hitter
Free28. Chapter 0: Vol.3 Stage.28: THE OCEAN AND THE SUNSET Vol.3 stage.28: the ocean and the sunse...