1. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 1: THE REUNION Vol.1 scene 1: the reunion
Free2. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 2: THE BOND THAT CAN'T BE BROKEN Vol.1 scene 2: the bond that can't be br...
Free3. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 3: MEETING ON CHRISTMAS EVE Vol.1 scene 3: meeting on christmas eve
Free4. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 4: THE SECRET MEETING Vol.1 scene 4: the secret meeting
Free5. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 8: THE TRAP Vol.1 scene 8: the trap
Free6. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 5: LIGHT MY HEART ON FIRE Vol.1 scene 5: light my heart on fire
Free7. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 7: SEDUCTION Vol.1 scene 7: seduction
Free8. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 6: VALENTINE ESCAPE Vol.1 scene 6: valentine escape
Free9. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 10: RYOKO'S CONFESSION Vol.2 scene 10: ryoko's confession
Free10. Chapter 0: VOL.1 SCENE 9: FAILURE Vol.1 scene 9: failure
Free11. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 11: RUMORS Vol.2 scene 11: rumors
Free12. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 13: THE BUSINESS TRIP Vol.2 scene 13: the business trip
Free13. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 12: SCANDAL Vol.2 scene 12: scandal
Free14. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 14: THE BIRTHDAY Vol.2 scene 14: the birthday
Free15. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 15: THE PHONE MESSAGE Vol.2 scene 15: the phone message
Free16. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 16: THE PROJECT Vol.2 scene 16: the project
Free17. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 17: THE SNARE Vol.2 scene 17: the snare
Free18. Chapter 0: VOL.2 SCENE 18: THE MAZE Vol.2 scene 18: the maze
Free19. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 19: LUCK Vol.3 scene 19: luck
Free20. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 20: THE HEART'S CALLING Vol.3 scene 20: the heart's calling
Free21. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 21: THE NIGHT IN OSAKA Vol.3 scene 21: the night in osaka
Free22. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 22: AN EXCRUCIATING NIGHT Vol.3 scene 22: an excruciating night
Free23. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 23: A SAD FAREWELL Vol.3 scene 23: a sad farewell
Free24. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 24: NEW SUSPICIONS Vol.3 scene 24: new suspicions
Free25. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 25: AN UNEXPECTED CONFESSION Vol.3 scene 25: an unexpected confession
Free26. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 26: A SENSE OF RAPTURE Vol.3 scene 26: a sense of rapture
Free27. Chapter 0: VOL.3 SCENE 27: THE NIGHT IN HONG KONG Vol.3 scene 27: the night in hong kong
Free28. Chapter 0: VOL.4 SCENCE 28: AN UNEXPECTED VISITOR Vol.4 scence 28: an unexpected visitor