1. Vol.1 chapter 1 : moonlight descent
Free2. Vol.1 chapter 2 : fiancee since birth
Free3. Vol.1 chapter 3 : kohaku appears! human...
Free4. Vol.2 chapter 4 : the bond right now is...
Free5. Vol.2 chapter 5 : even though you'll ge...
Free6. Vol.2 chapter 6 : why was i chosen?
Free7. Vol.2 chapter 6.1 : extra - asagiri sets...
Free8. Vol.2 chapter 7 : standing at the entran...
Free9. Vol.2 chapter 8 : all god's creatures
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Free11. Vol.3 chapter 10
Free12. Vol.3 chapter 11 : please don't hurt ni...
Free13. Vol.3 chapter 12
Free14. Vol.4 chapter 13 : loving without being...
Free15. Vol.4 chapter 14 : seething heart
Free16. Vol.4 chapter 15 : things that aren't b...
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Free18. Vol.5 chapter 16 : the sword of princess...
Free19. Vol.5 chapter 17 : the tale of kohaku th...
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Free23. Vol.6 chapter 20
Free24. Vol.6 chapter 21
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Free27. Vol.7 chapter 24
Free28. Vol.7 chapter 25