Chapter Selections
1. Chapter 0: Prologue Prologue
Free2. Chapter 1: the cursed girl
Free3. Chapter 2: poisoned wine
Free4. Chapter 3: substitute
Free5. Chapter 4: curse
Free6. Chapter 5: pearl of the empire
Free7. Chapter 6: answer me
Free8. Chapter 7: leesha's answer
Free9. Chapter 8: the archery competition
Free10. Chapter 9: forfeit
Free11. Chapter 10: butterfly maiden
Free12. Chapter 11: the past
Free13. Chapter 12: honey trap
Free14. Chapter 13: peerless dancer
Free15. Chapter 14: the master's order
Free16. Chapter 15: spending the night
Free17. Chapter 16: ignis fatuus
Free18. Chapter 17: promise
Free19. Chapter 18: poisoned
Free20. Chapter 19
Free21. Chapter 20
Free22. Chapter 21
Free23. Chapter 22
Coins24. Chapter 23: fancy