After War Gundam X: Under the Moonlight Action Shounen Science fiction Mecha
5 92 45
Author:Ohshima, Chitose|Akatsu, Yutaka Type:Manga
Chapter Selections
1. Vol.1 chapter 0
Free2. Vol.2 chapter 0 : 006-010
Free3. Vol.1 chapter 2: the war is still…
Free4. Vol.1 chapter 3: fight on, rosa ii!!
Free5. Vol.1 chapter 4: what was my effort for?...
Free6. Vol.1 chapter 5: white gundam
Free7. Vol.2 chapter 6: could i be a newtype?
Free8. Vol.2 chapter 7: ''space eye'' — that’s...
Free9. Vol.2 chapter 8: thank you for everythin...
Free10. Vol.2 chapter 9: farewell, rick aller!!
Free11. Vol.2 chapter 10: still, we live in this...
Free12. Vol.3 chapter 11 : now is that any way t...
Free13. Vol.3 chapter 12 : i'm envious
Free14. Vol.3 chapter 13 : you, new-type, don't...
Free15. Vol.3 chapter 14
Free16. Vol.3 chapter 15
Coins17. Vol.3 chapter 16