1. Chapter 1: crash
Free2. Chapter 2: drift
Free3. Chapter 3: deserted island
Free4. Chapter 4: water
Free5. Chapter 5: first food
Free6. Chapter 6: asuka's hunger
Free7. Chapter 7: lady shion
Free8. Chapter 8: mutsu doing her best
Free9. Chapter 9: let's make a trap
Free10. Chapter 10: taste of rabbit 1
Free11. Chapter 11: vol.1 case 11: tasty rabbit?...
Free12. Chapter 12: vol.1 case 12: the strange h...
Free13. Chapter 13: vol.1 case 13: tasty rabbit?
Free14. Chapter 14: vol.1 case 14: homare's surp...
Free15. Chapter 15: vol.1 case 15: we must!!!
Free16. Chapter 16: vol.1 case 16: what to do wi...
Free17. Chapter 17: vol.2 case 17: a taste of ra...
Free18. Chapter 18: vol.2 case 18: the second ra...
Free19. Chapter 19: vol.2 case 19: uv rays are b...
Free20. Chapter 20: vol.2 case 20: exploring the...
Free21. Chapter 21: Vol.2 Case 21: Exploring The Island Ii Vol.2 case 21: exploring the island ii
Free22. Chapter 22: Vol.2 Case 22: Exploring The Island Iii Vol.2 case 22: exploring the island iii
Free23. Chapter 23: Vol.2 Case 23: On The Other Side Vol.2 case 23: on the other side
Free24. Chapter 24: Vol.2 Case 24: Rui And Soji Vol.2 case 24: rui and soji
Free25. Chapter 25: Vol.2 Case 25: Homare And Daddy Vol.2 case 25: homare and daddy
Free26. Chapter 26: Vol.2 Case 26: The Island Calendar Vol.2 case 26: the island calendar
Free27. Chapter 27: Vol.2 Case 27: For Shion-sama's Sake Vol.2 case 27: for shion-sama's sake
Free28. Chapter 28: Vol.2 Case 28: Delicacy In Survival Situations Vol.2 case 28: delicacy in survival situ...