Jitsu wa Watashi wa Romance Comedy School life Fantasy Supernatural Shounen
5 252 46
Author:Masuda, Eiji Type:Manga
1. Vol.1 Chapter 1 : let's ask her out!
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2 : let's follow her
Free3. Vol.1 Chapter 3 : let's eat lunch!
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4 : let's visit a sick person!
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5 : let's listen to the class ea...
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 6 : let's compare the heights!
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 7 : let's all forget this!!
Free8. Vol.1 chapter 7.5: omake (1)
Free9. Vol.2 Chapter 8 : let's find a solution to her...
Free10. Vol.2 Chapter 9 : let's think about his childh...
Free11. Vol.2 Chapter 10 : let's go to an amusement pa...
Free12. Vol.2 Chapter 11 : the wolfman is coming visit...
Free13. Vol.2 Chapter 12 : a wolfman has come
Free14. Vol.2 Chapter 13 : let's calm down!
Free15. Vol.2 Chapter 14 : let's make curry!
Free16. Vol.2 Chapter 15 : let's verify it!
Free17. Chapter 15 v2 : let's verify it!
Free18. Vol.2 Chapter 16 : let's become an adult!
Free19. Vol.2 chapter 16.5: omake (2)
Free20. Vol.3 Chapter 17 : let us form a contract of f...
Free21. Vol.3 Chapter 18 : let's learn how to swim!
Free22. Vol.3 Chapter 19 : i'm gonna be able to swim!
Free23. Vol.3 Chapter 20 : let's go on a test of coura...
Free24. Vol.3 Chapter 21 : let's worry!
Free25. Vol.3 Chapter 22 : lets talk like man
Free26. Vol.3 Chapter 23 : let's go to a cake buffet!
Free27. Vol.3 Chapter 24 : let's find the glasses!
Free28. Vol.3 Chapter 25 : let's become feminine!