Shin Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Romance Comedy Harem Shounen Science fiction
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Author:Okuda, Hitoshi Type:Manga
1. Vol.1 Chapter 1: In Our Last Episode... In our last episode...
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2: Idle Hands Idle hands
Free3. Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Big Date The big date
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4: A Carrot A Day A carrot a day
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5: Disaster Area Disaster area
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 6: Excellence Excellence
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 7: Strength Strength
Free8. Vol.2 Chapter 8: Doom Time Doom time
Free9. Vol.2 Chapter 9: Confusion Confusion
Free10. Vol.2 Chapter 10: Mass Confusion Mass confusion
Free11. Vol.2 Chapter 11: Overload Overload
Free12. Vol.2 Chapter 12: Class Begins Class begins
Free13. Vol.2 Chapter 13: Sowing the Seeds Sowing the seeds
Free14. Vol.2 Chapter 14: Dark Washu Dark washu
Free15. Vol.3 Chapter 15: Only In Jest Only in jest
Free16. Vol.3 Chapter 16: Step Aside Step aside
Free17. Vol.3 Chapter 17: A Day in the Life A day in the life
Free18. Vol.3 Chapter 18: More than a Memory More than a memory
Free19. Vol.3 Chapter 19: Assemble Assemble
Free20. Vol.3 Chapter 20: Finale Finale
Free21. Vol.3 Chapter 21: Let's go Ryo-chan!! Let's go ryo-chan!!
Free22. Vol.4 Chapter 22: Stubborn Stubborn
Free23. Vol.4 Chapter 23: Compassion Compassion
Free24. Vol.4 Chapter 24: Methamorphosis Methamorphosis
Free25. Vol.4 Chapter 25: Giving Thanks Giving thanks
Free26. Vol.4 Chapter 26: Wayward Wayward
Free27. Vol.4 Chapter 27: Respect Respect
Free28. Vol.4 Chapter 28: Regret Regret