1. Vol.1 Chapter 1: Two Girls Two girls
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2: The Day of Beginnings The day of beginnings
Free3. Vol.1 Chapter 3: The First Mission The first mission
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4: The First Mission (Part Two) The first mission (part two)
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5: Raised in Darkness Raised in darkness
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 6: Challenge! Kill the Viceroy Challenge! kill the viceroy
Free7. Vol.2 Chapter 7: The Battle of Hakurou River The battle of hakurou river
Free8. Vol.2 Chapter 8: Chance Meeting Chance meeting
Free9. Vol.2 Chapter 9: Assassins Assassins
Free10. Vol.2 Chapter 10: Fight to the Death Fight to the death
Free11. Vol.2 Chapter 11: Fight to the Death (Part 2) Fight to the death (part 2)
Free12. Vol.2 Chapter 12: First Casualty First casualty
Free13. Vol.2 Chapter 13: Clash of the Best Clash of the best
Free14. Vol.3 chapter 14: runs
Free15. Vol.3 chapter 15: secret arts
Free16. Vol.3 chapter 16: yearning
Free17. Vol.3 chapter 17: rush
Free18. Vol.3 chapter 18: melee
Free19. Vol.3 chapter 19: no.1
Free20. Vol.3 chapter 20: boss
Free21. Vol.4 chapter 21: that which is inherite...
Free22. Vol.4 chapter 22: sisters
Free23. Vol.4 chapter 23: truth
Free24. Vol.4 chapter 24: escape
Free25. Vol.4 chapter 25: the light & shadows of...
Free26. Vol.5 chapter 26: to each his own love
Free27. Vol.5 chapter 27: confession
Free28. Vol.5 chapter 28: creeping shadow
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