1. Vol.1 Chapter 1 : i bought a cellphone
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2 : should be picky about the de...
Free3. Vol.1 Chapter 3 : want to carry around a phone...
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4 : beware the boundaries of a p...
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5 : if you get a phone, brag to...
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 6 : let's choose the ring tone c...
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 7 : let's send eko a message!
Free8. Vol.1 Chapter 8 : payment swindler prevention
Free9. Vol.1 Chapter 9 : the number of people that us...
Free10. Vol.1 Chapter 10 : try not to show off your ph...
Free11. Vol.1 Chapter 11 : if your phone is taken, try...
Free12. Vol.1 Chapter 12 : beware of the service charg...
Free13. Vol.1 Chapter 13 : and this is how spam mail c...
Free14. Vol.1 Chapter 14 : cellphones are afraid of be...
Free15. Vol.2 Chapter 15 : a cellphone is surprisingly...
Free16. Vol.2 Chapter 16
Free17. Vol.2 Chapter 17 : keep your cell always with...
Free18. Vol.2 Chapter 18 : showercap is bad for a cell
Free19. Vol.2 Chapter 19
Free20. Vol.2 Chapter 20 : test your cell occasionally
Free21. Vol.2 Chapter 21 : good cellphones, bad cellph...
Free22. Vol.2 Chapter 22 : don't forget to bring your...
Free23. Vol.2 Chapter 23 : first in the world! this is...
Free24. Vol.2 Chapter 24 : it's not always good to hav...
Free25. Vol.2 Chapter 25 : know the sex of your cell
Free26. Vol.2 Chapter 26 : light-speed mail delivery
Free27. Vol.2 Chapter 27 : loved over the cellular cal...
Free28. Vol.2 Chapter 28 : turn your cell off before y...
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