1. Vol.1 Chapter 1: waiting for morning
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2: like a bird set free
Free3. Vol.1 Chapter 3: taming a wild animal
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4: don't blame the past
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5: confusion in her eyes
Free6. Vol.1 chapter 6: don't cry
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 7: i need an umbrella
Free8. Vol.1 Chapter 8: until i leave this city
Free9. Vol.1 Chapter 9: definition of unrequited love
Free10. Vol.1 Chapter 10: searching for you
Free11. Vol.1 Chapter 11: why the two are...
Free12. Vol.1 chapter 12: wa ha ha
Free13. Vol.2 chapter 13: too soon to call it lo...
Free14. Vol.2 chapter 14: the beginning of love
Free15. Vol.2 chapter 15: heavy rain
Free16. Vol.2 chapter 16: gift of love
Free17. Vol.2 chapter 17: always remember me
Free18. Vol.2 Chapter 18: unable to hide her hesitatio...
Free19. Vol.2 Chapter 19: smile again
Free20. Vol.2 chapter 20: heart of diamond
Free21. Vol.2 chapter 21: night of the party
Free22. Vol.2 chapter 22: a voice calling out fo...
Free23. Vol.2 chapter 23: the side of hopelessne...
Free24. Vol.3 chapter 24: nobody's fault
Free25. Vol.3 chapter 25: one month later
Free26. Vol.3 chapter 26: incapable of self-hone...
Free27. Vol.3 chapter 27: worrisome omen
Free28. Vol.3 chapter 28: hard to express