Anagle Mole Comedy Action Adventure Supernatural Shounen
5 227 44
Author:Fukuchi, Tsubasa Type:Manga
1. Chapter 1: 1st space: majin
Free2. Chapter 2: 2nd space: ranking
Free3. Chapter 3: 3rd space: implanting the chi...
Free4. Chapter 4: 4th space: follow
Free5. Chapter 5: 5th space: destroy the eviden...
Free6. Chapter 6: 6th space: go to school
Free7. Chapter 7: 7th space: i want to be the s...
Free8. Chapter 8: 8th space: the last day
Free9. Chapter 9: 9th space: spy and spy
Free10. Chapter 10: 10th space: family
Free11. Chapter 11: 11th space: to where the lig...
Free12. Chapter 12: 12th space: after the rain
Free13. Chapter 13: 13th space: pursuer
Free14. Chapter 14: 14th space: chiwa @ anagulan...
Free15. Chapter 15: 15th space: bargain sale
Free16. Chapter 16: 16th space: break in
Free17. Chapter 17: 17th space: boss of the hole
Free18. Chapter 18: 18th space: the way to use a...
Free19. Chapter 19: 19th space: to become a pebb...
Free20. Chapter 20: 20th space: luchiru buys a c...
Free21. Chapter 21: 21st space: wanted!!
Free22. Chapter 22: 22nd space: no.1 majinagram...
Free23. Chapter 23: 23rd space: that's... a prob...
Free24. Chapter 24: 24th space: anagle mole
Free25. Chapter 25: 25th space: metamorphosis
Free26. Chapter 26: 26th space: two alternatives
Free27. Chapter 27: 27th space: mask
Free28. Chapter 28: 28th space: dolsa griyuudo