1. Chapter 1: operation: more rabu rabu!
Free2. Chapter 2: it's pravda!
Free3. Chapter 3: summer in ooarai!
Free4. Chapter 4: more summer in ooarai!
Free5. Chapter 5: it's "the teatime of gloriana...
Free6. Chapter 5.2: bunus - it's the melancholy...
Free7. Chapter 5.5: omake 1 - it's the web vers...
Free8. Chapter 6: it's the autumn week of publi...
Free9. Chapter 7 it's the ooarai girls counterm...
Free10. Chapter 8: operation diet!
Free11. Chapter 9: it's chirstmas!
Free12. Chapter 10: it's the murder case of oora...
Free13. Chapter 11: it's the noble sisters' stea...
Free14. Chapter 12: lost!
Free15. Chapter 13: it's a nice day for a date!
Free16. Chapter 13.2: omake 4
Free17. Chapter 14: the image of future expectat...
Free18. Chapter 15: operation confession!
Free19. Chapter 15.5: omake 3 - it's the anglerf...
Free20. Chapter 16: it's the conditions in anzio...
Free21. Chapter 17: sequel ? it's the conditions...
Free22. Chapter 18: it's katyusha's portrait!
Free23. Chapter 19: it's remako's repay of grati...
Free24. Chapter 19.1: omakes 5 + 6 - it's the we...
Free25. Chapter 19.2: omake 7 - it's the making-...
Free26. Chapter 19.3: omake 8 - it's judgement!
Free27. Chapter 20: after maintenance, it's gott...
Free28. Chapter 21: saunders