1. Vol.1 chapter 1: act.1: i hate job hunti...
Free2. Vol.2 chapter 10: act.10: tale of hirosh...
Free3. Vol.2 chapter 11: act.11: the woman that...
Free4. Vol.2 chapter 12: act.12: hooraay for th...
Free5. Vol.2 chapter 13: act.13: have a good ni...
Free6. Vol.2 chapter 14: act.14: the queen and...
Free7. Vol.2 chapter 15: act.15: an elegant wom...
Free8. Vol.2 chapter 16: act.16: blinded by gre...
Free9. Vol.2 chapter 17: act.17: five days left
Free10. Vol.2 chapter 18: act.18: action!
Free11. Vol.2 chapter 19: act.19: professional k...
Free12. Vol.1 chapter 2: act.2: the queen and ma...
Free13. Vol.3 chapter 20: act.20: open up
Free14. Vol.3 chapter 21: act.21: my graduation
Free15. Vol.3 chapter 22: act.22: adult-like gir...
Free16. Vol.3 chapter 23: act.23: grand prix det...
Free17. Vol.3 chapter 24: act.24: spring is here
Free18. Vol.3 chapter 25: act.25: the boss and m...
Free19. Vol.3 chapter 26: act.26: it might be th...
Free20. Vol.3 chapter 27: act.27: turning point
Free21. Vol.3 chapter 28: act.28: welcome to oki...
Free22. Vol.3 chapter 29: act.29: a workplace ba...
Free23. Vol.1 chapter 3: act.3: a decent job
Free24. Vol.4 chapter 30: act.30: the strong wom...
Free25. Vol.4 chapter 31: act.31: once more
Free26. Vol.4 chapter 32: act.32: wishing upon a...
Free27. Vol.4 chapter 33: act.33: helpless
Free28. Vol.4 chapter 34: act.34: end of the wor...