Adam to Eve Drama Action Supernatural Seinen
5 241 48
Author:Yamamoto, Hideo|Ikegami, Ryoichi Type:Manga
Chapter Selections
1. Vol.1 chapter 1 : the arrival of existen...
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 2 : who?
Free3. Vol.1 chapter 3: what flavour are you?!
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 4: i can't help myself!
Free5. Vol.1 Chapter 5: i got them!
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 6: shut uuuuup!!
Free7. Vol.1 Chapter 7: brrr
Free8. Vol.2 Chapter 8: your fingers will make you wa...
Free9. Vol.2 Chapter 9: deadly pleasure
Free10. Vol.2 Chapter 10: hit me more!
Free11. Vol.2 chapter 11: no doubt!
Coins12. Vol.2 chapter 12: no, it's the opposite!