Chapter Selections
1. Chapter 1: yesterday's enemy is today's...
Free2. Chapter 2: another chaotic day on the we...
Free3. Chapter 3: getting the perfect shot
Free4. Chapter 4: i love how dumb you are
Free5. Chapter 4.5: proper talk between lovers...
Free6. Chapter 5: jumping through dimensions
Free7. Chapter 5.5: a torrent from the nose can...
Free8. Chapter 6: the path of those in the shad...
Free9. Chapter 7: rin? rin? ri-rin?
Free10. Chapter 7.5: tachibana-san's takoyaki lo...
Free11. Chapter 8: contact with sakaki-kun
Free12. Chapter 9: the war of 2.14
Free13. Chapter 10: girls and monsters
Free14. Chapter 11: vs. the dark demon
Free15. Chapter 12
Free16. Chapter 12.1
Free17. Chapter 12.5: four dimensional assassina...
Free18. Chapter 13.1: the big fashion theory
Free19. Chapter 14.1: the melancholy of hikari t...
Coins20. Chapter 15: the great poolside couple pl...