1. Chapter 1: a big girl (kouhai) is a litt...
Free2. Chapter 2: the excessive girl (kouhai) i...
Free3. Chapter 3: misunderstandings make the gi...
Free4. Chapter 4: i want to protect the big (ko...
Free5. Chapter 4.5: official serialization anno...
Free6. Chapter 5: the girl (kouhai) has surpris...
Free7. Chapter 6: meeting the girl (kouhai) in...
Free8. Chapter 7: the meeting causes disturbanc...
Free9. Chapter 8: the girl (kouhai) becomes con...
Free10. Chapter 9: the girl (kouhai) who has hig...
Free11. Chapter 10: even if she knows, the girl...
Free12. Chapter 11: passing a baton to the unsto...
Free13. Chapter 12: connecting to the girl (kouh...
Free14. Chapter 13: sweat, tears and the girl's...
Free15. Chapter 14: touching hands. the girl (ko...
Free16. Chapter 14.5: volume 1 information
Free17. Chapter 15: the girl (kouhai) makes hast...
Free18. Chapter 16: a change of heart, and the g...
Free19. Chapter 17: the two dances, and the girl...
Free20. Vol.1 chapter 17.5: volume 1 promotion
Free21. Chapter 18: the girl (kouhai) does not k...
Free22. Chapter 19: that girl (kouhai) still doe...
Free23. Chapter 20: uniform or a bunny suit, the...
Free24. Chapter 21: are you ready? the girl (kou...
Free25. Chapter 22: ahead lies bloodbath, the gi...
Free26. Chapter 23: taking a liking to it, it fi...
Free27. Chapter 24: what dreams does the delight...
Free28. Chapter 25: dreams scattered about, wher...