Fake Romance Comedy Action Mystery
8 120 28
Author:MATOH Sanami Type:Manga
Sanami Matoh's FAKE, a shounen-ai favorite, is the unlikely love story between two NYC cops--who both happen to be guys... Meet Ryo and Dee, two New York City cops with an attraction for action, and for each other! When Ryo, a soft spoken officer, joins the NYPD's 27th......
1. Fake 1.1
Free2. Fake 1.2
Free3. Fake 2.1
Free4. Fake 2.2
Free5. Fake 3
Free6. Fake 4
Free7. Fake 5.1
Free8. Fake 5.2
Free9. Fake 6.1
Free10. Fake 6.2
Free11. Fake 7
Free12. Fake 8.1
Free13. Fake 8.2
Free14. Fake 8.3
Free15. Fake 9
Free16. Fake 10
Free17. Fake 11.1
Free18. Fake 11.2
Free19. Fake 11.3
Free20. Fake 12
Free21. Fake 13
Free22. Fake 14.1
Free23. Fake 14.2
Free24. Fake 14.3
Free25. Fake 15
Free26. Fake 16
Free27. Fake 17.1
Free28. Fake 17.2