1. Chapter 1: deadman's recipe
Free2. Vol.1 Chapter 1: Deadman's Recipe Deadman's recipe
Free3. Chapter 2: a house of silence
Free4. Vol.1 Chapter 2: A House of Silence A house of silence
Free5. Chapter 3: fairy land
Free6. Vol.1 Chapter 3: Fairy Land Fairy land
Free7. Chapter 4: jean, the dark fairy
Free8. Vol.1 Chapter 4: Jean, the Dark Fairy Jean, the dark fairy
Free9. Chapter 5: a dream in a memory
Free10. Vol.1 Chapter 5: Dream in a Memory Dream in a memory
Free11. Chapter 6: march of the orcs
Free12. Vol.1 Chapter 6: March of the Orcs March of the orcs
Free13. Chapter 7: jean's friends
Free14. Vol.1 Chapter 7: Jean's Friends Jean's friends
Free15. Chapter 8: inherited memory
Free16. Vol.2 Chapter 8: Inherited Memory Inherited memory
Free17. Vol.2 Chapter 9: An Immortal's Solitude An immortal's solitude
Free18. Chapter 9: an immortal's solitude
Free19. Vol.2 Chapter 10: Path to Rosalie Path to rosalie
Free20. Chapter 10: path to rosalie
Free21. Vol.2 Chapter 11: Three Mistakes Three mistakes
Free22. Chapter 11: three mistakes
Free23. Vol.2 Chapter 12: Zel and Valmunk Zel and valmunk
Free24. Chapter 12: zel and valmunk
Free25. Vol.2 Chapter 13: Fatal Weakness Fatal weakness
Free26. Chapter 13: fatal weakness
Free27. Vol.2 Chapter 14: Legend Legend
Free28. Chapter 14: legend